Vegan Cook Likes Keurig But Only with Reusable Adapter

Recently, my  sister-in-law, who had built up so many points with Keurig that she was entitled to some free purchases, generously sent a single-serving “on demand” coffee maker to Joe and me.

I love the idea of making coffee–whatever type you prefer (hopefully fair trade)–one cup at a time and almost instantly.

However, I HATE the idea of all of those NON-recyclable K-Cups ending up in the landfills.  Though I would love to see what the “Visual Team” from Anthropologie would create with them since they are utter “recycled art” geniuses.

I hope this doesn’t sound harsh, but I feel that it is socially irresponsible for companies who manufacture the K-Cups not to do so with recyclable plastic.  I just don’t understand.

At any rate, I did a little research and mine seems to be a prevailing sentiment.  But my research also turned up Green Mountain’s refillable/recyclable K-cup adapter and filter, so I just placed an order.  Yes, it takes a tiny bit more time to scoop, but I can enjoy my cuppa with a clearer conscience.  Hope you will too!  (For coupons generously offered by Green Mountain, click here.)

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  1. Betsy! Thank you for doing the research..your post just guided my purchasing decision!
    Many congrats on your cookbook. I am so looking forward to the show and book launch Saturday night.

  2. My pleasure. I’m so glad! I just hope I can get Joe to “scoop.” He’s an impatient sort and not the militant recycler I am. Can’t wait to see your artwork, as well as you and D of course!

  3. Betsy, thank you for sharing. I’ve been wanting one of those one cup coffee makers and I just can’t bring myself to buy one because of all these waste. I bet you could put tea and all kinds of goodies in the reusable cup.

  4. My pleasure, Karen. It works great and I even got my husband using it, not the greenest person I know. 🙂 Let me know what you try in the cup!

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