Vegan Pound Cake

Yield: one 5 x 9″ loaf cake

As a vegetarian, I had many go-to recipes that were perfection personified. My pound cake recipe from Southern Living magazine was the ultimate. When I became a vegan, I set out in pursuit of an eggless, dairyless replacement. After some disappointments, I found this amazing recipe at A Vegan For Dinner’s blog.  (I Have removed the link as it is now someone’s anti-aging blog.)  I can scarcely recommend this recipe highly enough. It works beautifully every time and, while its simple goodness is perhaps best savored unadorned, I garnished a slice with a few farm fresh berries for the photo. It would also be delicious with a drizzle of my Cream Cheese-Orange Sauce posted with my Carrot Cake Pancakes. And it’s spectacular grilled; a sweet ending to your summer BBQ.

I’ve changed the order of ingredients and how they are put together just a little, increased the amount of extracts and increased the baking time by 5 minutes. But, otherwise the recipe is virtually unchanged.

1/2 cup vegan butter, softened (I like Earth Balance)
1 1/2 cups granulated or raw sugar (I use granulated)
6 ounces (one half of a box) plain or low fat Silken firm tofu (blending or processing first assures no lumps)
2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
1/2 cups water
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 teaspoon almond extract
2 teaspoons baking powder

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Lightly grease a 5 x 9″ loaf pan. Cream together butter and sugar with an electric mixer on medium speed until fluffy. Beat in tofu until well combined. Add 1 cup flour and, with mixer on low, mix just until incorporated. Add water and extracts and do the same. End with remaining cup of flour and baking powder. Increase speed to medium and beat for 1-2 minutes. Spoon mixture into pan and lightly smooth the top. Place on the center rack of the oven and bake for 55 minutes.


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  1. Thank you, Annie. That’s very gracious of you and I’m so glad you stopped by! I know exactly what you mean. I made a creme brulee once that tasted overwhelmingly of soy, though I generally enjoy the flavor and, more than likely, I’ve been a vegan for so many years now that I am somewhat desensitized to it. However, I have been a baker since childhood and am very picky about baked goods, especially “southern” pound cake. That being the case, I would say that the soy is virtually undetectable in this, especially once baked. It tasted exactly as I remember my favorite “Southern Living” pound cake tasting which is why I like this recipe so much. But here’s a tip: when I am trying to mask a pronounced flavor like soy or, say, the chickpea flour in my gluten free cookies, I find that a little bit of almond extract, in addition to vanilla, is key. Please try it and let me and other readers know what you think. Cheers! ~Betsy

  2. […] adapted from Betsy at the Blooming Platter […]

  3. Looking forward to trying this recipe. Just wanted to note that when I followed the link to veganblogspot it was someone has taken over the link and is selling life insurance and talking about anti aging (sort of)

  4. You will love it, Robin! Thanks for the tip about the link. I tried it and it took me to the same place, so I removed the url and just credited “A Vegan for Dinner’s blog.”

  5. Could I used coconut oil instead of butter alternative?

  6. Ellen, please try it and let us know here if it works!

  7. I made this yesterday and it was so yummy! I made it just as directed but with the seeds from half a vanilla bean (needed to be used ASAP!) in place of the vanilla extract. It worked great. I can’t wait to eat a bit more today. This one is definitely a keeper.

  8. Robyn, folks LOVE this recipe and all the better with real vanilla bean. Yum. Thanks for letting us know!

  9. betsy, you are rapidly becoming my vegan foodie hero, with your amazing (kind) recipes, and the generosity of spirit I see in all your responses to those, who comment on your blog.

    Thank you, so much, for sharing your kind soul and incredible talents with the rest of us. I made this vegan pound cake over the recent holidays and people (vegan or not) simply went crazy over it. I used this recipe to make strawberry shortcake (w/compote, fresh strawberries, vegan whipped cream) and it was so good, I’m thinking about making it right now, and I also tried it with toasted pecans and a brown sugar/cinnamon glaze (which also got raves!). Prior to this wonderful recipe, I never thought I could bake! This will forever be my ‘go to’ recipe, when I want to make something special for someone.

    Most importantly, thank you, for all you do to make the world a kinder place, for us ALL.

    I wish you the best.

  10. Oh, goodness, Karmah, I have tears in my eyes. Thank YOU for YOUR generosity of spirit. I am deeply touched that you took the time to send such a lovely, life-affirming message. You have ME thinking about making your shortcake right now–yum!–who cares if strawberries aren’t in season! Your other rendition sounds fabulous too, especially for maybe a mid-morning nosh. ‘Gotta love those “go to” never-let-a-girl-down recipes–so glad this is one such tried-and-true for you. Now, bake: the sky–or maybe the pie–is the limit! Thank you for sharing YOUR kindness and best wishes while baking and beyond!

  11. […] pound cake! i have never had a vegan pound cake before this recipe. mostly because its rarely made by vegan […]

  12. This is a great recipe. I baked the cake last night. There was hardly any left overs this morning. It really is simple to make and very tasty.
    Thanks. Will definitely try some of your other recipes.

  13. Thank you, Maya, for taking the time to share! I hope you love everything you find here!

  14. Do you need to press the water out of the tofu before hand?


  15. Hi! Do you use the (Mori-Nu type) shelf stable box silken tofu or the (Nasoya type) refrigerated water packed tofu? Looking forward to trying this in place of dessert cups for strawberry shortcake! Thanks!

  16. Hi, Jess! I use the shelf-stable type. Enjoy!

  17. Nope, just drain any liquid that’s in the box. Enjoy!

  18. So sorry; I thought I had replied, Adam, no pressing, just drain.

  19. Do you think this cake can be made with Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free flour? I’m vegan and gluten free. Thanks.

  20. Ann, I would be afraid that there wouldn’t be enough structure unless you have baked with it before and it works, in which case, please try it and let us know!

  21. Could the sugar be cut back in this? I find I can cut the sugar back almost by half (ex. 1c to 1/2 c) in most recipes.

  22. Mary, why don’t you try it and let us know the results? I have always read that sugar can often be reduced by about 1/3, but it is responsible for some of the volume and, to me, taking the edge off the tofu flavor. But every palate is different, so see what you think!

  23. I am going to try this today, looks great, however, no mori nu- silken tofu, can i just use a regular chunk of firm tofu, and blend it up? Do you think that would work?

  24. So sorry I am just now seeing this! I have definetly used “regular” tofu in place of silken in other recipes and just process it longer. Will you try it and let us know?

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