Vegan Fish-and-Chips (A Cleaned-Up British Classic!)

DSCN1363I don’t mean to brag, but…

If you eschew seafood, yet crave that briny taste of the sea, have I got a “fix” for you!

After one failed attempt to impart that elusive oceanic flavor to a vegetable-based alternative–tofu “fillets” in this case–I put the full weight of my mental capacity to the task at hand.

The result was a truly novel method for infusing the complex flavor and aroma of the sea into humble tofu triangles.  Hint: wrapping them in Nori sheets is one of my secrets.

This and all of the remaining secrets to my successful go at Vegan Fish-and-Chips are yours for the clicking at One Green Planet.

I call my version a “cleaned up British classic” because, after one oily and messy round of beer battering and frying the “fillets,” I created a different method for an ahoy-there-mate breading that is baked, as are my “chips.”  To me, the flavor AND the crunch of both are irresistible.  I hope you agree!


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