Okay, so this may not be a vegan “dish,” exactly but…
I am a supporter of eco-friendliness and believe that consignment shopping is one of the most fun, creative, and fashionable–not to mention affordable–ways to “recycle.”
Yesterday, I put together this outfit at one of my three favorite consignment boutiques in our area, Double Take in VA Beach (with the other being its sister store in Norfolk and Worth the Wait, also in VA Beach). I was thrilled with it because none of it “came together,” so I wanted to share and put in a plug for consignment shopping.
I paid a bit more than I typically do (though it was still a steal), as this was a special outfit for a special occasion: today is our 23rd wedding anniversary(!) and last night our anniversary dinner, of sorts, with Joe’s visiting aunt and uncle who I adore: Tony and Luella Ricci.
I am a huge Missoni fan, and the skirt is Missoni Sport ($63.99) [not the Missoni line that Target sold in 2011 and that still pops up on the secondary market!] Granted, that is more than I usually pay but, hey, it’s Missoni! I was attracted to the skirt fabric, but also to what appears to be its mismatched neutral “camo” looking waistband which gave me the opportunity to “sport” neutral shoes–ultra-comfy high platforms from Nine West ($38)–and a twist-front top from Mod-O-Doe ($16).
The cardigan with its beautiful embroidery is my beloved BCBG ($32). I love how the colors are perfect for the skirt, but the zig-zag pattern contrasts with the flowers for a look that isn’t too “matchy.”
Finally, the jewelry: the bracelet is Lucky Brand ($18) and appears made for the outfit, as it combines neutral stones with the colorful center one. It could almost be reversible, as the back side of each stone’s metal bezel is embossed with a fabulous floral design. The earrings are my trusty recycled aluminum wire flowers which, again, appear made for this skirt, but they work with so many items in my wardrobe. (They came from Worth the Wait, new, from an artisan in North Carolina, but I can’t remember what I paid for them.)
I’m sure I’ll always make mine consigned!

September 16, 2013 at 11:46 am
Such a cute outfit! I’ve never found anything this cute (or affordable) at any of the second-hand clothing shops around me.
September 16, 2013 at 8:17 pm
Just a little correction. Target doesn’t sell Missoni. They did limited edition collaboration 2 years ago, that sold out right away.
September 16, 2013 at 8:18 pm
Thanks, Dianne! Well, I pop in frequently; it’s on my way home from yoga. 🙂 And it’s a tiny boutique, so it doesn’t take long. Still, there have been many times I left empty-handed. But I have scored a couple of times here lately. I still need to post the other outfit from the sister store in Norfolk. Oh, and one from a thrift store coming up this winter…$1.99 for a BCBG sweater dress! Better luck shopping!
September 16, 2013 at 8:39 pm
Thanks, Olga. Should have said “sold,” but those pieces do pop up in the secondary market, including on eBay. It has a totally different look which is why I made the distinction, but I appreciate the correction!