Yield: 2-4 servings
These hot, humid summer days in Southeastern Virginia call for cooling foods that hydrate. My Banana-Tangerine Nice Cream fits the flavorful bill to a “T.” Plus it is beautiful and healthful, a little sweet, and a little tart.
Once the fruit is frozen, it goes together in minutes, ready to eat immediately as soft serve or to scoop after a short stint in the freezer.
Feel free to experiment with different combinations of fruit–you need about 5 cups total–but remember that fruits like bananas and mangoes lend a lovely creaminess to the texture.
If chocolate is your jam, add a little cocoa powder, starting with about 2 tablespoons. You may need to add slightly more agave nectar.
To blend, I use my large heavy-duty Cuisinart food processor, but a Vitamix might work well. Whatever you use, it needs to be strong and sturdy to process the frozen fruit chunks, though you can let them thaw ever so slightly before processing or blending so that your machine doesn’t have to work so hard.
Banana-Tangerine Nice Cream
3 medium bananas, peeled, cut into 1-in pieces, and frozen, and ever so slightly thawed, if desired
3 tangerines, not peeled, pitted, quartered, and frozen, and ever so slightly thawed, if desired
3 tablespoons agave nectar
Place half of fruit and all of agave nectar in food processor and process, sturdying your machine on the counter if necessary, until somewhat broken down and blended. Add remaining fruit and keep processing, scraping down sides of bowl as necessary, until the mixture lightens in color and changes texture to a creamy, luscious buttercream-like consistency. This will take Just a few minutes. Serve immediately or cover and return to freezer for a scoopable consistency.

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