Vegan Orange-Mocha Ice Cream

Orange-Mocha Ice CreamYield: 1 quart

Over the very hot and humid weekend, I decided that my Vegan-Espresso Dreamsicle Smoothie might make a scrumptious ice cream…and I was right!

I love this ice cream’s rich almost caramely color which results from combining the bright orange frozen orange juice concentrate with the warm browns of espresso and cocoa powder.

And the flavor is so complex: tart, but with deep dark, yet somehow subtle,  notes of coffee and chocolate.

Cream of Coconut makes a luscious ice cream base, but only reveals the barest whisper of coconut flavor to those who know to be “looking” for it.  So those who don’t fancy coconut won’t even know it’s there.

14 to 16 ounces extra-firm tofu (whatever weight in which your favorite brand is sold), regular or,f for extra creaminess, silken

1-15.5 ounce can Creme of Coconut, refrigerated (located where alcoholic drink mixers are sold in the grocery store; Coco Lopez is a popular brand)

1-8 ounce can frozen orange juice (look for an organic brand)

1/4 cup sugar (I use demerara)

1 tablespoon espresso or instant coffee, regular or decaf

1 tablespoon cocoa powder

1 tablespoon vanilla

1/4 teaspoon almond extract

Place tofu in the bowl of a food processor and process until almost smooth.  Add all remaining ingredients and process for about 3 minutes or until very smooth.  Freeze in an ice cream maker according to manufacturer’s directions.  (I love my electric Cuisnart.) Transfer to a lidded container and freeze several hours or over night to ripen.

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